A good customer experience does not come out of the blue. It starts with structuring your company in an efficient, customer-oriented way. To ensure that your employees can optimally serve customers, they must be able to respond well to the expectations and requirements of the customer. This is only possible with the right processes and tooling.
Do you want to know exactly what your company needs to offer an optimal customer experience? A good start is to answer the following questions. Based on this, you can determine what processes and tooling are needed to take your company to the next level.
know your business
1. What do your current processes look like?
Be open and honest about your needs and challenges. Which processes work well and where is there still room for improvement?
2. What do you want to achieve as a company?
Do you want to work more efficiently, attract new customers, generate more business with existing customers, or increase customer satisfaction? Prioritize and whatever your goals are, make sure all your employees are aware of them and are pursuing them.
3. What does the ICT work environment look like?
Make an inventory of your IT architecture: what hardware and software is running? What links are there? Find out which suppliers play a role in this, what contracts are in progress, etc…
4. What does your budget vs costs look like?
The costs of IT can be quite high. Do you have a clear picture of the total costs as a company? Think, for example, of software, external contracts, management, operational costs, etc.
5. How satisfied are your employees?
Ask the employees how satisfied the employees are with their work environment. What are they happy with and what do they think could be improved. Do they always have the right information to help the customer properly? Can employees help customers well without having to ask the same questions over and over?
6. What is the competition doing?
Map out who your competitors are and what they do. What are they better or worse at?
7. What about customer satisfaction?
Not sure how satisfied your customers are? Ask them! What do they think of the service, customer-friendliness and delivery times. Are there things your customers often complain about?
Now it can start!
You have come a long way with the answers to these questions. You can now determine which process improvements you want to focus on and which tools you will use for this. An important step towards satisfied employees, happy customers and more turnover. Good luck!